- Arduino The de-facto standard single chip computer board
- ESP6288 The ARM-core WiFi chip that runs stand-alone
- BBC micro:bit The UK's microcontroller-per-child program
embedded Linux
Not as popular:
- PocketChip The Next Thing Co. is defunct, killing the Pocket Chip and C.H.I.P. $9 computer
- Intel Edison, Galileo, Joule
Intel Discontinues Joule, Galileo, And Edison Product Lines
- Intel Curie
Intel discontinues the Curie module and Arduino 101 development board
communities/support by platform (Raspberry Pi, SparkFun, ...)
SEE ALSO: my 2016 roundup of top microcontrollers and IoT
EVENTS: where to start
for local hacker spaces, particularly open days or special events
With hack-a-thons and contests giving away hardware,
it's easy to get flooded with interesting projects.
lists maker spaces, professional societies & groups
MAGAZINES, trade journals, blogs
Derek Lowe's Things I Wont Work With
for extreme safety lessons in Chemistry
Online Learning
it lets you get academic discounts!
- Adafruit on YouTube
(main page)
- The Ben Heck show
(wikipedia entry)
- David L Jones' EEVBLOG
an Aussie EE who tells it like it is!
- Julian Ilett
a UK chap who designs circuits and loves buying Chinese parts on ebay.
- Explaining Computers by Christopher Barnatt
reviewing THE CHIP $9 Computer
- Fran Blanche
is famous for her Frantone guiter effects boxes
but she <3 vintage electronics too
- Mr. Carlsons Lab
- Big Clive
specializes in equipment teardowns
- Great Scott
a German fellow with DIY Arduino circuits, shows how it works piece by piece w/scope
- Extreme Machines Magazine
how huge machines are made, repaired
- Learn Engineering Team
- Clickspring
amazing HAND MADE gears, clocks and mechanical devices
- Aussie Tech Heads podcasts
- AvE: arduino versus evil
Canadian engineering, eh? Mostly machining and NSFW language
- Louis Rossmann
is great at repairing things
- Daniel Sullivan
tech stuff such as hall effect lessons
- The RC Tractor Guy
(youtube channel)
- MickMake - Another Australian
with board/parts reviews, tutorials and news
- Andreas Spiess The Guy with the Swiss Accent
- David J Watts' clever projects
- The chemists at The University of Nottingham
explore all the elements, even the expensive and dangerous ones! Also
Exploding Pianos
- 2600 and HOPE videos
2600 hosts HOPE: Hackers On Planet Earth
- Travis Goodspeed
hacker extraordinaire
- AddOhms: Electronics Tutorials for Everyone
and for their blog, forum, tutorials and resources
- Apple/iPad repairs
- Introduction to Microsoldering with Jessa Jones
the microsoldering mom
- ch00ftech
- Techquickie
- The Makers Muse
historical/vintage technology
- Roku Channel: Joe Screwdriver
the Retro Tech Time Machine of curated collection of retroactive technology,
mostly vintage Army & Navy training films.
- Techmoan
vintage tech
- General Electric's Schenectady facility
where Metal Halide lighting, radar tubes and such were designed
- Jeff Quitney
military vintage documentary & training films
- The Documenteries Tube
military vintage documentary & training films, "how it's made" films
- The 8-Bit Guy
David Murray, the 8 bit guy, reviews vintage computers & replicas & reproductions
- Technology Connections
vintage TV tech such as the Trinitron, How Analog Color TV Works,
Philo Farnsworth and the Invention of Electronic Television and other tech
- Lazy Game Reviews
retro technology and retro computer games/software, thrift shop runs & finds
- Retro Man Cave
retro technology and retro computer games/software
- Computerphile
rather useful explations of today's technology as well as retro/vintage tech
Where to buy and learn more
The Original Heathkit
is long gone, but many clever folks have filled the need:
contact info