June 1964
The Lewis Carroll Courier
June 1964 Vol II No. 2
I'm unsure why I have this since we didn't move to Fresh Meadows 'till 1965!
Murray Sussmans was principal (he later moved to PS26)
profile: Mr. Julius Kocivar
The NYC World's Fair was happening.
Here's an article about the Unisphere
which is still a major symbol of NYC, appearing in films such as
Men in Black, Iron Man II.
The trip to Philharmonic Hall is a reminder of all the people
who were still alive then: Leonard Bernstein, Aaron Copland, Gunther Schuler.
Lists classes and their teachers
Some local businesses: Coronet Beauty Salon (near Bloomingdale's).
Dig those old phone numbers but they're
no longer exchanges (BAyside, FLushing, GLadstone)
More local stores such as Trynin-Pollins shoes.
January 1966
The Lewis Carroll Courier
January 1966 Vol IV No 1
just the masthead
Famous relatives of students: Jerry Lewis, Howard Cosell, David Susskind, Richard Feynman
I used to deliver the newspaper to Howard Cosell's mother in the 20 story building.
Clubs and the teachers who lead them.
Funny things from the kindergarteners.
The boosters: a good list of the many of the students' families
June 1964
The Lewis Carroll Courier
December 1966 Vol V No 1
My classmates Jill & Julie Weinberg won "Most Unusual Pet" contest
The masthead, and "dressing properly" long before school uniforms
"The boys should all wear ties.
There should be no sneakers worn to school"
Club news. I don't remember any clubs when it was my time.
My mom's listed as a library assistant to Mrs. Kanter
Paisley is in fashion!
Milk price increases from 16¢ to 17¢
Meet the custodial staff: Mr. Pearce, Pedro J. Rodriguez, Georgina Rodriguez
June 1967
The Lewis Carroll Courier
June 1967 Vol V No 2
Mr. Lomax is the new custodian
school statistics: 20 classrooms, 29 water fountains, 440 children …
profile: Mrs. Stiles (art)
Jill Weinberg, Christine Blake, Walter Karpinia and Stuart Rauschman
all from class 1-111 have "Praise for 179".
The TV poll recalls what TV shows were on the air when we were kids.
"Dance and Art" was the theme of the Spring Festival on Friday May 26, 1967.
All the classes danced outside, but nothing else is mentioned.
list of all student teachers.
If Warren Bograd (1-112) were a scientist, he'd invent "automatic food"
The fashion poll shows long hair is "in".
Several PS 179ers are on the "Ryan Record" newspaper staff
The boosters: a good list of the many of the students' families
June 1968
The Lewis Carroll Courier
June 1968 Vol VI No 2
Thelma Kanter is acting principal
THE BIG NEWS: the 3rd graders move from the 1st floor
to the 2nd floor WITH ALL THE BIG KIDS
(because school district 26 offices moved into the 1st floor, see page 5)
The masthead, letter from the editor Susan Weinberg
science fair winners (Alan Seelig 5-213 Amoeba division)
new teacher: Mrs. Lazar when Mrs. Hitzel resigned.
"What does hippie mean"
Lisa Randall (AM kindergarten) - short dress
The school district 26 Curriculum Offices moved into the first floor
Poems by 2 of my classmates: Amy Feldhun, Karen Levine (2-105)
Poem by my classmate Lisa Goldberg (2-109)