IEE bulletin AG-3A for IEE Argus plasma panel

IEE (Industrial Electric Engineers) designed and manufactured the largest selection of displays in the 50s to 70s.
How I wish I had photos of videos of their trade show booths, showing off all the colors and bling!
Ebay is full of them, at high prices since it's vintage retro tech!

Long ago at the Trenton Computer Fest, I bought one new-in-wrapper 4 line 16 character display assembly.
Here are the specs.

Part numbers from IEE Argus bulletin AG-3A, page 18



part number

English European German Scandinavian Spanish Katakana
MAXI-32 Neon orange 3100-02-032N 3100-12-032N 3100-22-032N 3100-32-032N 3100-42-032N 3100-52-032N
Green 3100-03-032G 3100-13-032G 3100-23-032G 3100-33-032G 3100-43-032G 3100-53-032G
MAXI-64 Neon orange 3100-04-064N 3100-14-064N 3100-24-064N 3100-34-064N 3100-44-064N 3100-54-064N
Green 3100-05-064G 3100-15-064G 3100-25-064G 3100-35-064G 3100-45-064G 3100-55-064G
MAXI-128 Neon orange 3100-06-128N 3100-16-128N 3100-26-128N 3100-36-128N 3100-46-128N 3100-56-128N
Green 3100-07-128G 3100-17-128G 3100-27-128G 3100-37-128G 3100-47-128G 3100-57-128G
MAXI-256 Neon orange 3100-08-256N 3100-18-256N 3100-28-256N 3100-38-256N 3100-48-256N 3100-58-256N
Green 3100-09-256G 3100-19-256G 3100-29-256G 3100-39-256G 3100-49-256G 3100-59-256G
MINI-128 Neon orange 3000-06-128N 3000-16-128N 3000-26-128N 3000-36-128N 3000-46-128N 3000-56-128N
Green 3000-07-128G 3000-17-128G 3000-27-128G 3000-37-128G 3000-47-128G 3000-57-128G
MINI-256 Neon orange 3000-08-256N 3000-18-256N 3000-28-256N 3000-38-256N 3000-48-256N 3000-58-256N
Green 3000-09-256G 3000-19-256G 3000-29-256G 3000-39-256G 3000-49-256G 3000-59-256G
I corrected several errors: